My Pet Blue Jay at Icy Bay, Alaska.... he loved Butter!
In times of pain, when the future is too terrifying to contemplate and the past too painful to remember, I have learned to pay attention to the right now. The precise moment I was in was always the only safe place for me. Each moment, taken alone, was always alright. I am breathing in and out. Realizing this, I began to notice that each moment is not without it's beauty. JULIA CAMERON
Life is not always going to be a pleasurable experience. In times of strife look to what there is to be grateful for. That is something that has always gotten me through times when I was not feeling so great. My Grandma would always tell me "Count your Blessings Jill." I use this everyday in my life and try to tell others when they are going through tough times. I actually believe we cannot appreciate the sweet unless we have tasted the bitter.
You would not believe some of the complaints I have heard over the years from people. People in my mind that should be the happiest people in the world. People in my mind that had the world at their fingertips. There will always be unhappiness, the trick is to outsmart it! It is all in your mind~ Everyone should be happy about something. It is only natural to want things that we think are going to "make" us happy, but in truth if you are not happy on the inside that "thing" is only going to bring you temporary joy. That vicious cycle of collecting things we think are going to "make" us happy.
My advice.... be happy with yourself and what you have first, and the rest will follow if you work at it. It is not just going to land in your lap by rubbing a magic lamp! Do anything simple to get you out of the funk like even as simple as buying an ice cream cone, heck it worked for me once! Be wary though some people use shopping as therapy or eating and that definately can become a disorder, so please take in mind I am not a licensced heath professional and please don't sue me if the ice cream cone thing does not work!
I am looking forward to your friendship, comments and feedback!
Take care from the Wilds of Alaska!
Alaska Woman Jill Davis
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