Friday, January 11, 2013

Facebook Addiction

Hello, My Name is Jill Davis and I am a Facebook Addict

With all of the distractions of Facebook, email, and social media in general it is a strain to almost force myself away from my compter and ipad.  Writing is like exercise, painful at fist but the more we do it the more we get our writing minds and hands into shape.  By the way now I am thinking I should be gig to the real gym to physically workout.... geez i need to stay on track.  No pain no gain.

I truly believe Facebook could be considered an addiction similar to a dug addiction.  Facebook for me has been a replacement for T.V. It an be mindless numbing entertainment.  I do not mind admitting I do enjoy watching reality t.v.  it is like watching a train wreck that I can not keep my eyes off of no matter how bad t gets.  Now with Facebook I have my own plethora of reality tv channels.  I have real life dramatic soap operas between friends, family and couples.  I have religion, politics, activism, comedy, and inappropriate comedy.  I am like a kid in a candy store, sampling all of the delicious candy.  A little bit of everything for me please!

I have to admit I started Facebook with the upmost honest intentions of using it to connect with family, friends, and my Facebook fan page Alaska Wild Adventures to share with the world my adventures in the wilds of Alaska.  And I stick to that but for me it has turned in to something more something powerful that takes my will to control from not turning into abuse.

I get uplifted by the inspirational quotes and love the humor, I also get to see and talk to people from all over the world and plan my next expeditions. I get to see others experiences at various lodges or destinations firsthand.  I have met the most wonderful people on Facebook that I enjoy conversing with.   I do us Facebook a tool, but it can easily turned into a weapon.

Look at me he person that lectures people about staying off of their iphones and here I am a hypocritical facebook addict.  I do not do it in public tough i am a home user, but with my ipad as beig an enabler with  that glossy touch screen with that button on the top "more stories" so easily accessible.  Then I can hop from my personal page to my fan page, then to my emails.  My goodness at least back n the day on the computer wen we had to physically switch pages it kept me at bay.  I do need it for staying on top of my writing and adventure pages.  It does take will though.

Well I do love Facebook and all of the neat things I can see ad do from the privacy of my home and share my Alaska Wild Adventures with you.

I have actually gone to the library and checked out 4 books, went to the bookstore and bought 4 books.  I have read more in the past 2 weeks than I have read in years.  I have enjoyed my latest adventures in Sika and Cordova and looking forward to sharing more adventures to come.

I love Facebook and I hope that I inspire you to venture out away from your computers, take a walk, go to the library, check out a book or go to the bookstore and buy a book.  Remember what joy comes from the pages of book running through your fingers and the adventures you can go on through the authors words.

Here is an excerpt from a book I just bought "The Artist's Way Everyday" A Year of Creative Writing by Julia Cameron

It is no coincidence that artistic annals are filled with tales of incendiary romantic intrigue, yielding blazing creative work.  Our muses are fuse lighters, and the blaze they ignite may be passionate, creative, or both.

Artists can marry, but they must marry well.  And I would argue, there must be merriment in their marriage for their work to continue, to flourish.  In Artist to Artist relationships, both artists must need to be nurtured and seen.  Neither partner should be neutered or neutralized by excessive care taking.


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